Hello and assalamualaikum.
I am listening to Best of Kajol right now. Well, Kuch kuch ho ta hai is playing and I am alone in this room. Tahu tak, hidup sebagai seorang yang bekerja, ya Allah lifeless sangat rasanya. The internship was fine. The environment and the people are so nice. Gila punya nice. Memang hari-hari internship aku sikit pun tak pernah stress sebab mesti penuh dengan gelak ketawa je. I love them!
But, what I meant is every morning except for the weekend lah of course kena bangun pagi pagi clock in at 8 am and clock out at 4.30 pm (it is ramadhan you know). Sebab nak jimat duit dan sebab utama nak makan sedap (haruslah, bulan puasa kan) aku kena drive sorang sorang balik Equine Park. I hate driving. Driving alone is even worst! Boring kot, dah la half and hour jugak nak sampai Equine kalau tak jam! Lepas tu balik UPM balik at 10 pm macamtu and then sleepppppp. And yeah, rotate every weekdays. Can you imagine? Tidur awal hari hari. Gilaaa!
Aktiviti tengok movies, karaoke sorang sorang dalam bilik, baca novels and other stuff yang tak penting tapi fun untuk dilakukan telah lama ditinggalkan. Arghhhhh! I'm missing my playlist, my murder books, my hlovate, my inspirational books, my MP4 and many mooreeeeee. My biological clock has been fix you know because everyday bangun awal dan tidur awal. But that is not me. Sleep sleep sleep is for weak person laaahhh. Daya ketahanan untuk stay up dah vanish. My FYP pun dah pause for a while sebab I sleep early like a baby!
I miss home like crazy. Tak balik rumah lepas final examination makes me feel like homeless. Where is my home exactly???????
Bertahan untuk 2 minggu saja lagi. Be strong self.
Salam Ramadhan!
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