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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Finding more space

First week of a new student came into this campus- Busy manage the Uni orientation.
First week of lecture- Busy for the college orientation, malam tunas putra and post mortem and meeting.
Second week of lecture- Busy manage the Juniors for their pentomen competition and minggu suai kenal untuk floor and meeting and assignments.

In a nutshells, I am a VERY busy person right now!

Almost a month, and now baru dapat online sambil makan bihun dan pukul 9 nanti sudah start all the activities. Walaupun just pantau juniors buat kerja untuk pentomen, still ini semua amat memenatkan. Kalau bulan pertama pun dah tidur pukul 3 4 pagi, macam mana kelak nanti? Need some strength. Pray for me will ya?

Menggalas tanggungjawab bukan perkara yang mudah.


kura said...

amboi. bz akak senior sorang ni! hahah

Anonymous said...

aku pun dalam masa 2 minggu ni dah ada family day dah!

btw.good luck syra :)