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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Water shortage : Most serious environmental problems the world faces

Selamat pagi.

Post ke 2 untuk hari ini. 
Cuba besarkan mata sampai azan subuh nanti.
Kalau tidur sekarang alamatnya tak subuh lah kan.
Tengoklah esok pagi bangun pukul berapa.
Tengah hari.
Ke petang?

Habis lagi 1 chapter untuk Environmental Science.
Yes. Baca macam baca buku cerita.
Paham tak paham belakang cerita.
Janji habis.

Habis la paper EMG 3001 aku nanti. 
(monolog dalaman)

There is something I wanna share here.
From what I learned from that book.

"It takes about 30 bath tubs full of water to produce a typical cotton shirt, 12 bath tubs full of water to produce a hamburger and 18 buckets of water to produce a cup of coffee"

We can find substitute for resources such as oil, but there is no substitute for freshwater. Right guys?

So use water wisely!
Jangan membazir.

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